The Night Agent

"The Night Agent" is a thrilling espionage novel by Matthew Quirk. The story revolves around Peter Sutherland, a young and idealistic FBI agent who finds himself in the midst of a complex and high-stakes situation. When a violent incident at the White House leaves the nation's capital on edge, Peter becomes the duty agent responsible for monitoring the 911 emergency line. It's a role that usually handles mundane calls, but Peter stumbles upon a cryptic and potentially sinister call from a frightened woman. This leads him into a dangerous web of conspiracy, political intrigue, and espionage.

As Peter investigates further, he discovers that the woman's call is linked to a powerful, clandestine organization with a hidden agenda that threatens national security. In a city where loyalty and trust are in short supply, Peter must navigate a treacherous landscape to uncover the truth and protect the country from an impending crisis. "The Night Agent" is a fast-paced and suspenseful thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats as Peter races against time to unravel the mystery and prevent a catastrophic event.

The novel masterfully combines elements of espionage, political intrigue, and suspense, making it an enthralling read for fans of the genre. It explores the moral dilemmas faced by Peter as he grapples with deception, mistrust, and the blurred lines between right and wrong in the world of covert operations. Matthew Quirk's storytelling skills shine as he weaves a compelling narrative filled with unexpected twists, engaging characters, and a relentless sense of tension that propels the story forward. "The Night Agent" is a page-turner that offers an inside look at the complexities of national security and the people tasked with protecting it.


Coach K


Dave Grohl