Blacktop Wasteland

"Blacktop Wasteland" is a crime novel written by S.A. Cosby that tells the story of a former getaway driver named Bug who is drawn back into a life of crime to help his struggling auto repair business and provide for his family. The book is set in rural Virginia and explores themes of family, loyalty, and the consequences of one's actions.

The novel begins with Bug struggling to make ends meet as a small business owner and family man. When an opportunity arises to participate in a high-stakes heist, Bug is initially reluctant but ultimately decides to take the risk in order to provide for his family. As the heist unfolds, things quickly spiral out of control, and Bug is forced to confront the consequences of his choices.

Cosby's writing is taut and suspenseful, and he does an excellent job of building tension and drawing the reader into the story. The characters are complex and well-drawn, particularly Bug, whose inner conflict and struggles with his past are at the heart of the novel. The setting of rural Virginia is also vividly depicted, with Cosby capturing the bleakness and desperation of the region.

"Blacktop Wasteland" is a powerful and compelling novel that offers a gritty and realistic portrayal of crime and its impact on individuals and families. Cosby's writing is both sensitive and unflinching, and he does an excellent job of exploring the complexities of the human experience. Whether you are a fan of crime fiction or simply looking for a thought-provoking and gripping read, this book is highly recommended.

Purchase this book, Blacktop Wasteland here!


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