Camino Ghost
"Camino Ghosts" by John Grisham is a gripping continuation of the Camino Island series, once again centering on the dynamic characters of Bruce Cable, the bookstore owner, and Mercer Mann, the novelist. The story begins with Mercer and her boyfriend, Thomas, getting married on the picturesque beach of Camino Island, with Bruce performing the ceremony. Soon after the wedding, Bruce tells Mercer about a compelling story idea for her next novel, involving Dark Isle, a mysterious barrier island with a rich history.
Dark Isle, settled by freed slaves 300 years ago, was abandoned by its last resident, Lovely Jackson, in 1955. Lovely, now elderly, believes the island rightfully belongs to her and is determined to stop Tidal Breeze, a ruthless developer, from building a resort and casino there. Mercer befriends Lovely and takes on the formidable task of battling the corporate giant, delving into a legal and emotional struggle to preserve the island's heritage.
The island's dark past adds layers of mystery to the narrative. Legends of a curse and a series of unexplained deaths surrounding the development efforts create a tense atmosphere. As Mercer digs deeper, she discovers secrets that complicate the fight for Dark Isle, intertwining personal and historical battles against the backdrop of corporate greed and political corruption.
Grisham’s "Camino Ghosts" combines his trademark legal intrigue with a heartfelt exploration of history and identity. The novel showcases his ability to weave complex characters into a story that challenges the power dynamics of the past and present. It's a captivating read that balances suspense with a deep emotional core, making it a must-read for fans of the Camino Island series and new readers alike.