Turn the Ship Around!

"Turn the Ship Around" by David Marquet is a leadership book that challenges traditional hierarchical management structures and offers a revolutionary approach to leadership based on empowerment and accountability. The book tells the story of Marquet's experience as the captain of the USS Santa Fe, a nuclear-powered submarine, and how he transformed its crew from followers into leaders.

Marquet introduces the concept of "leader-leader" rather than "leader-follower" dynamics, advocating for distributing decision-making authority throughout the organization. He describes how he implemented this approach by empowering his crew to take initiative, make decisions, and take ownership of their roles. By shifting the focus from top-down command to decentralized leadership, Marquet fostered a culture of trust, innovation, and excellence on board the USS Santa Fe.

Throughout the book, Marquet shares practical leadership principles and techniques that can be applied in any organizational setting. He emphasizes the importance of clarity, competence, and control, as well as the need to create an environment where individuals feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their best. Marquet's insights challenge conventional wisdom about leadership and offer a blueprint for creating high-performing teams that adapt and thrive in dynamic environments.

"Turn the Ship Around" is not just a book about leadership; it's a call to action for leaders at all levels to rethink their approach and embrace a new paradigm of empowerment and accountability. By sharing his experiences and lessons learned, Marquet inspires readers to challenge the status quo, cultivate leadership at every level, and turn their organizations into engines of innovation and excellence.


Working Backwards


Built To Move